Last day in Positano
Today was largely devoted to packing as we were leaving Positano tomorrow morning and heading back to Rome for one night before going to Malta.
Sheila, Rosalind, Adam and I also walked down town to transfer some more photos from a memory cards onto compact discs. The weather had at last changed and I was keen to see a storm on the coast, it did not amount to much, but it was interesting to see the boat owners drag their craft up the beach with electric hoists. It looked like they had all decided that the tourist season was over and it was the day to pack everything away.
As I am not that keen on shopping I left the others to it and caught the bus back up the hill to the villa. I called into the shop nearby and bought tuna Panini for lunch and also some cakes. Adam and Rosalind stayed down town doing more shopping that put their case under severe strain. My packing did not take long as it was just a case of emptying all the drawers and cupboards into my one piece of luggage, although my small daypack became a little more stuffed.
After my packing I awarded myself a little siesta after which I finished reading one of Adam’s quirky books written by Glen David Gold, it is called ‘Carter Beats The Devil’ and published by Sceptre an imprint of Hodder Stoughton ISBN 0 34082440 9. It is about illusionists in the U.S.A during the early part of the 20th century it is fictional and I found it very enjoyable.
We went up the street for dinner and back to the villa for an early night I have included a couple of pictures that are evidence of the change in the weather:
Showing the change in the weather
Sheila, Rosalind, Adam and I also walked down town to transfer some more photos from a memory cards onto compact discs. The weather had at last changed and I was keen to see a storm on the coast, it did not amount to much, but it was interesting to see the boat owners drag their craft up the beach with electric hoists. It looked like they had all decided that the tourist season was over and it was the day to pack everything away.
As I am not that keen on shopping I left the others to it and caught the bus back up the hill to the villa. I called into the shop nearby and bought tuna Panini for lunch and also some cakes. Adam and Rosalind stayed down town doing more shopping that put their case under severe strain. My packing did not take long as it was just a case of emptying all the drawers and cupboards into my one piece of luggage, although my small daypack became a little more stuffed.
After my packing I awarded myself a little siesta after which I finished reading one of Adam’s quirky books written by Glen David Gold, it is called ‘Carter Beats The Devil’ and published by Sceptre an imprint of Hodder Stoughton ISBN 0 34082440 9. It is about illusionists in the U.S.A during the early part of the 20th century it is fictional and I found it very enjoyable.
We went up the street for dinner and back to the villa for an early night I have included a couple of pictures that are evidence of the change in the weather:

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