Missing Pics plus 29th Episode of Bangkok Days and Nights

22nd August 2006
Sheila and I went to bed quite late, and for a change Sheila slept though most of the night. That also meant that I had a reasonable night sleep as well. By the time that Sheila and I got up Adam had eaten his breakfast and gone to work. Sheila and I had an even more lazy morning I just walked to the supermarket at the end of the soi bought my ‘Bangkok Post’ and went back to read it all quietly, after saying my ‘good mornings’ to the dogs who were very chirpy . Sheila caught up on yesterday’s papers and was feeling a little sore from her Pilates class and had a slight migraine so had a siesta; while I raided the fridge for remains of the Lebanese banquet I followed that up with some ‘Moon’ cakes that Adam had brought home for me the night before. No-one else likes ‘Moon’ cakes but I think it is necessary for me to eat them as part of the cultural experience.
Dinner was a prawn curry with rice and vegetables with mango sticky rice for pudding for Sheila and me.
After dinner I decided to amuse myself by extracting the route of the ‘treasure hunt’ from the book ‘Angels and Demons’ written by Dan Brown and I have included it for anyone who might being going to Rome and is interested in following in the footsteps of the characters in the book.
The first (false) location:
The Pantheon built in 27 BCE rebuilt by Hadrian in 119 AD
It is the site of Raphael’s tomb (Raphael SANTI) Raphael died in 1520
Access by going along the Via Degli Orfani to the Piazza della Rotunda
Inscription above the entrance to the Pantheon reads:
Meaning Marcus Agrippa, Consul for the third time built this.
Take a coffee at ‘La Tazza di Oro’s’ and outdoor café
The 141 foot unsupported span of The Pantheon is larger than the cupola at St Peter’s.
It was the world’s largest freestanding dome until 1960 when it was eclipsed by the Superdome in New Orleans.
The circular hole in the roof is called ‘The Oculus’.
The rientranze are the recesses in the wall.
Formal Christian tombs were often misaligned with the architecture so they could lie facing east so that is why some seem misplaced.
Raphael’s casket is protected by a ‘plexiglass’ shield.
Although Rapahael died in 1520 his body was relocated in the Pantheon in 1758 so the Pantheon was not the first site on the shining path for the enlightened.
You need to find the ‘buco diavolo’ that is associated with a crypt.
‘Real’ first site is:
Chigi Chapel in the church of Santa Maria del Popolo; the chapel was designed by Raphael SANTI.
Chigi chapel used to be known as Capella della Terra, the Chapel of Earth.
Proceed along the Via della Scrofa to the Piazza del Popolo.
The Piazza del Popolo is ‘full’ of ‘illuminati’ symbols:
- perfect elliptical shape (the path of the earth around the sun)
- in the centre of the piazza a large Egyptian obelisk
- on the centre stone of the peak of the archway (Porta del Popolo) at the far end of the piazza, is engraved a ‘shining star over a pyramid’ that is the same as the ‘Great Seal of the United States of America’ and the Masonic symbol on the one dollar bill of the U.S.A.
At the base of the rear wall on the outside is a stone bulwark jutting out, this conceals a narrow grotto that is the head of a passage way that leads directly into the foundations of the church but you will not gain access through here.
Go inside the church and you will be looking for the ‘secondary left apse’.
Face the main alter use your left hand to point backwards over your right hand shoulder.
Start looking from the point at which you are pointing.
The third apse from the front is the ‘Capella Chigi’.
There should be a tile embedded in the stone wall with the same symbol seen outside i.e. A pyramid beneath a shining star with another plaque nearby that reads: ‘Coat of arms of Alexander CHIGI.
The words ‘Capella Chigi are carved into a stone stele beside the apse.
Inside the Chigi chapel are symbols that include:
-The seven astronomical planets
- twelve zodiac signs
- four quadrants representing earth, air , fire and water
- four seasons primavera, estate, autunno, inverno
- on either side of the chapel in perfect symmetry are two ten feet high marble pyramids,
- ellipses embedded in the facades of the pyramids
- marble mosaic in the floor depicts ‘death in flight’, the skeleton in the mosaic is carrying a tablet portraying the same pyramid and star.
The mosaic is mounted on a circular stone a ‘cupermento’ a manhole cover (the demon;s hole) in the hole under the mosaic, (the first alter of science) was the body of the first victim his mouth crammed with Earth.
Gianlorenzo BERNINI the illuminati’s sculptor was a contemporary of Galileo in the 1600’s.
The Art of the Chigi Chapel has been described as having the architecture of Raphael with all the interior adornments being designed by Gianlorenzo BERNINI.
For the next site you need to look for a statue nearby to the demon’s hole mosaic.
It is called ‘Habakkuk and the Angel’ by Bernini.
You need to look where the statue points particularly :
‘Let angels guide you on your lofty quest’.
Look for the direction in which the angel points to the next location and check this with a correctly oriented map.
It points south west when you stand in the middle of the piazza follow that direction to
St Peter’s square in the Vatican City.
Find the 81 foot high, 350 ton ‘Caligula’s’ Egyptian obelisk.
Near the obelisk is the second alter of science, a white marble elliptical monolith on which is carved a bas relief image of a billowing gust of wind; this bas relief is called ‘West Ponente’ – the west wind and also ‘Respiro di Dio’ the ‘breath of God’.
St Peter’s was designed by Michelangelo but St Peter’s square was designed by Bernini.
The bas relief is elliptical (the earth’s heretical orbit around the sun) about 3 feet long and carved with a rudimentary face.
This was the site of the second victim AIR
Now head in the direction that the west wind was blowing from the centre of St Peter’s square. Go to Piazza Barberini, interesting that in the piazza is a Hotel Bernini, find the church of Santa Maria della Vittoria and look for the sculpture of ‘The Ecstasy of St Teresa’.
This was the site of the third victim FIRE.
For direction of the fourth site look at the figure of the angel over the recumbent saint, start from the centre of the Piazza Barberini; the spear of fire is pointing west towards the next site that is in the Piazza Navonna.
Find in the Piazza Navonna ‘The Four Fountains of the Four Rivers’ by Bernini.
This was the site of the fourth victim WATER.
Around the fountain look for an obelisk with a single dove on top and head in the direction to which the dove points; Westwards to the Castel Sant’ Angelo.
On the top of the Castel Sant’ Angelo is a mammoth bronze angel with his sword pointing directly downwards to the exact centre of the castle where the ‘illuminati’ would meet.
Walk along the Lungotevere Tor Di Nova then across the ‘pedestrian access only’ ‘Bridge of Angels’, Ponte Sant’ Angelo.
Walk to the west around the second bulwark through a small parking area off Lungotere Angelo. Near this second bulwark is a second castle entrance, a drawbridge type entrance which you will probably not be able to use.
Proceed clockwise around the fort passing three portico’s keep going until you see a gravel drive cutting across the courtyard; there should be another gated drawbridge leading into the fortress if you are very lucky you might get in here. It is the start of ‘Il Traforo’, a giant spiral ramp that circles both up ad down inside the fortress.
If you get to see Il Prigione, ‘The prison’ in which the four cardinals were kept you will be very ‘fortunate’ also Il Passetto the little passage that is the ¾ mile tunnel built between Castle St Angelo and the Vatican.
The ‘Illuminati’ diamond:
Adam was home quite late as he had a few maters to discuss with his Thai lawyers and was very frustrated at their inability to interpret Thai law as they tend to take it very literally even when clearly as such it does not make any sense and was obviously not the intent of the legislators.
After Adam had his dinner we all watched an amusing episode of ‘Hustle’ with Adam going to bed before we did; partly we think so that he could telephone Rosalind in private and also try and watch the DVD of ‘The Da Vinci Code’ of which he had only been awake for a couple of minutes last time he tried.
23rd August 2006
I thought that Sheila’s medication had kicked in the anti-biotic not the sedatives as she awoke early and was up and breakfasted before either Adam or I had surfaced. Sheila did bring me a mug of tea and it was nicely cool before I had become conscious enough to drink it. Adam did not manage to stay awake for much more of the DVD, he claimed tha the reason was that it was not a good copy and was difficult to watch. I must admit that the first half seemed to be filmed with insufficient light, but maybe that was just my copy.
Sheila has a twelve ‘o’clock appointment with Taria, Sheila’s Finish personal trainer for Pilates and I went to the gym also for my usual seventy six laps of the pool.
After my laps I decided to take some photographs of the pool area as it is a location at which I have spent much of my time in Bangkok. I was a bit concerned how my picture taking might be perceived hoping that it would not be construed as ‘pervy’ so I made a big deal of not taking any shots surreptitiously. It is a bit sad that we have to worry about these things when just taking some photographs of a swimming pool surrounds.
I have included all of those photographs plus some that I took of Sheila with her Pilates instructor, Taria.
By the time we got back to the apartment Sheila and I were ravenous and descended on the fridge like a pack of howling wolves. After much snarling and snuffling and scattering of various containers we were satiated and decided to rest a little while before going to Lumpini Park. When we returned from the gym Khun Noy went shopping straight away with Khun Boon Chuay and on their return I offered then the opportunity to eat the two remaining ‘Moon’ cakes. I offered out of politeness, but hoped that they would not accept. My hopes were dashed and they ate the LAST TWO remaining ‘Moon’ cakes with great relish and gratitude. I should be grateful that they helped my waistline by ensuring that I did no eat them myself. I should be grateful, but enough said on that matter; except to say that the ‘Caine Mutiny’ happened in similar circumstances.
Just after lunch it was pouring with rain so Sheila suggested that I mention to Khun Boon Chuay that if it was still raining later we would not go with him to Lumpini Park on his way to pick Adam up from his office. I tried to communicate this to Khun Boon Chauy by calling on my knowledge of charades and a sprinkling of Thai. Khun Noy was also keen to help and was confident that she knew what I was trying to say and interpreted it and translated it for Khun Boon Chauy. He smiled and nodded and it appeared that we were all singing off the same song sheet even if the music was a bit different.
Khun Boon Chuay usually leaves the apartment at about 1600 each day to be at Adam’s office for six ‘o’clock never knowing how the traffic might be. It is probably a good indication of Thai traffic when Adam showed us via his car computer that the average speed that has been achieved by the Volvo since it was bought new in Bangkok is 15 kilometers per hour. That included the many trips on the toll-way to the airport which are completed at high speed. Adam figures that the average speed that he achieves around Bangkok is 6 kilometers per hour.
At 1550 Sheila and I got ready to go to Lumpini Park, as the weather had improved greatly. We took the lift down to the ground floor and went looking for Khun Boon Chuay and the car. No he had already gone; so much for my charades smattering of Thai and Khun Noy ‘helping’. We had not been singing from the same song sheet at all, the music, the lyrics in fact the whole bloody song book was different. In retrospect I think what Khun Noy heard was that because it was raining we were not going to Lumpini Park today. At 1700 I wandered through to the kitchen saw Khun Noy had woken from her afternoon siesta and I asked Khun Noy where Khun Boon Chuay was as we wished to be taken to Lumpini Park. Khun Noy looked very worried until I said “mai pen rai we will go tomorrow.” I am learning that if you think that you have communicated successfully because the Thai people smile and nod, be worried! The smiles and nods are an indication that they do not know what we are talking about and they try to hide their embarrassment of not knowing by smiling and nodding. They have no need to feel any embarrassment as the failure to communicate is ours, but it would help us if they frowned and shook their heads when they did not understand, however that appears alien to their nature and to them would seem rude. Adam was home later as he was going for a work out at the gym after work. I agree with him when he says that he always feels a bit sluggish if he misses a work out. While I brought the journal up-to-date Sheila was watching the ‘Capote’ DVD. The only problem was that when she stared to watch it was set up for Thai language and it took the pair of us many minutes to sort it out.
Then a few more minutes for Sheila to get the English sub-titles instead of Thai sub-titles as she was finding the lisping voice of the Truman Capote character hard to understand and would not agree with my assessment that “you will get used to it”.
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