3rd Additional episode of Bangkok days and nights

I am sorry that there has been a period of 'blog-interuptus', Sheila is feeling a lot better now, but being a very generous spouse I was the 'lucky' recipient of her bug I think.
Therefore I did not make any notes for events of the last three days so I will try and trwal though my memory.
Monday night was dinner featuring a Vietnamese favourite of mine Pho Ga (I think); basicaly it is a large bowl of chicken noodle soup with many aded herbs, Tuesday night was a Chinese banquet based on (tempura) battered prawns and various vegetables, many of which I can not identify, that the ladies tell me they will do me good as they are dark green. Hm I think it is dodgy logic but the best thing to do is 'just eat one's greens'. Last night was a Thai dinner of roasted chicken legs with again many greens that look suspiciously like school cabbage to me. But as I was feeling a bit crook I got away with having little on my plate. I did receive some sympathy when I had to DECLINE a caramel Tim Tam, this would be one of the ultimate measures of 'illness'. I think that I am becoming absorbed into the Thai culture, a little, as I a told that it is very Thai to talk about one's last meal during the current meal followed, by talking about the next meal.
I did manage to do a couple of other things that included:
trying to make betre friends with the pack of Soi dogs. I offerred them a small piece of bread. They had a cautious sniff, then walked away. The guards on the gates of the apartments, indicated, during their laughter, that the Soi dogs do not like (farrang) foreign food. Rosalind also told me that Thai people do not like bread either.
Today I sneaked a small piece of the Thai roast chicken leg from the fridge and went to see the dogs in their kennel. They may not like bread, but the Thai chicken was accepted with alacrity.
We have also been watching more football, but I think we will ease back onto the games that have some interest for us. Though I do not think we will get up at 0200 local time for the Australia/Croatia match. Sheila went for a 'personal trainer' session at the gym yesterday and she is doing very well.
Rosalind was up at 0515 to go to the airport with Boon Chuay to pick up Alice, her sister. I think I rolled over at that time and turned the air-conditioner back on.
As the old saying goes a picture is worth a thousand words so I have taken a few pictures this morning of my usual walk so you can better 'feel' of our normal day in Bangkok.
The second last picture is of a house behind Adam and Rosalind's apartment so one can se the eclectic mixture of architecture.
The last picture is the gateway to their partment.
I am having a few problems trying to get the pictures up-loaded and where I want them to be. So I will just say that there are a series of pictures of the small road where the apartment is, a 'local' alfresco restaurant on the corner, the local supermarket etc and I hope the rest are all self explanatory.
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